Kootenay Co-op Radio begins annual Fundraising, Membership Drive

By Contributor
June 10th, 2018

For the entire month of June, Kootenay Coop Radio will be asking our listeners and supporters to step up and show us that they value the work we do in the community.

As one of the only community radio stations in the Kootenays, both Creston and Salmo have folded in the last few years, it is vital that people recognize the importance of truly local media – media that is not controlled by corporations or advertising dollars but is beholden to community members. Kootenay Co-op Radio works under the 7 Co-op Principles and each of these principles influences how decisions are made at the station. 

This Fundraising and Membership Drive month will see KCR hosting live music events at The Royal on Baker (on Saturday, June 16th) and Hall Street Plaza (on Friday, June 29th). Our annual ‘All Things Music’ record swap will once again take place at the station. We’ll also have numerous booths around the area where we’ll be talking to our listeners and supporters, answering questions, handing out program schedules and of course selling memberships.

Membership income makes up approximately 1/3 of our operational budget so our annual drive is very important when it comes to maintaining the quality of broadcasting at the station. Everything from equipment purchases to the number of staff hours we can afford is influenced by this drive. We strive to give our community listeners some of the most eclectic, high-quality radio you can’t find anywhere and we are continually validated with awards from the National Campus and Community Radio Association. We’re proud to offer some of the best community radio in the country and we plan to continue this for many years to come.

For nearly 20 years, we have been able to support numerous community events, non-profits and individuals alike with the valuable work they do in this area including the Kootenay Music Awards to support our local musicians and the Annual Polar Bear Swim at Lakeside Park to support our local “polar bears”.

Please consider renewing or becoming a member of Kootenay Coop Radio. If you’re already a member, consider becoming a monthly member. If you’re already a monthly member, consider increasing your monthly contribution or simply make a donation. Visit kootenaycoopradio.com for details.

Thank you for all your support.

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