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Gravel, Grads and Gratitude — Duhamel Watershed Society Cleans Up

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
June 1st, 2018

It’s been a popular hangout for Grad parties for years.

This past weekend — Sunday, May 27th — more than 30 people, including members of the 2018 L.V. Rogers Grad Class — gathered together to share in a work party to clean up the area.

“Locals from Six Mile Lakes Road and close neighbours, who share the water source (Duhamel Creek), from Heddle Road also joined in with a handful of Grads from LVR,” said coordinator Val Gibson, a local resident and retired LVR teacher.

Gibson said Grad class of 2018 was invited to help out as well wit Parent Grad Committee leaders Tim and Janet Mushumanski securing eight of the 200 busy scholars in the class to lend some youthful strength.

Retired RDCK Area E director, Al Dawson came out and rolled up his sleeves and was working alongside current representative Tom Newell.

“In two hours, 200 kilograms of very old and very dirty garbage was collected,” Gibson said. “The gravel pit has been used as a Grad party place for many years.”

“It also attracts campers and target shooters who do not always clean up as well as their mothers taught them,” Gibson added.

Gibson said in recent years the dumping of tires, old furniture, computers, used motor oil and propane tanks have been added to the toxic mix.  She said one of the locals cleans up after each party, but it was becoming overwhelming and a dismal embarrassing eyesore.

“The Duhamel Watershed Society (DWS) decided it was time for action and time to get some work done,” Gibson said. “After contacting LV Rogers Principal, Tamara Malloff, a date was agreed upon and the DWS invited its members to join the work party.”

Gibson said the “before” pictures show how unhappy a place the gravel pit was.  The Grads planted a tree for their class to show promise for the future. The DWS hopes that this respect for the place will now be maintained. The after pictures show what can be done when neighbours put their minds to a job and their backs into the work.

“A huge thanks to all of the workers from Six Mile Lakes Road,” Gibson said. “Thanks also to the RDCK who paid the tipping fees for the garbage. It is wonderful to live in a place where people will still show that they care with their work and their time.”

“A special thanks to the parents of the grads who helped in the dusty, ash-filled environment,” Gibson added.

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