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Persons Case Awards 2018 — Celebrating gender equality advocates

By Contributor
May 21st, 2018

Kootenay–Columbia MP Wayne Stetski , is calling for nominations for the 2018 Governor General’s Awards in Commemoration of the Persons Case. Each year, these awards recognize Canadians, including youth, who have made outstanding contributions to the advancement of gender equality.

While nominations are accepted year round, the deadline for nominating someone for the 2018 awards is July 4, 2018.

Gender equality depends on all people – regardless of gender – being empowered with opportunities to participate fully in democratic and public life, to attain economic security, and to live free from violence. The Government of Canada is firmly committed to achieving gender equality, and recognizing the contributions of individuals who are playing a key role in that effort is essential; their work can inspire others to make a difference in our country and in the world. When Canadians come together, when we join forces, we can make significant strides towards gender equality.

Last year’s recipients were Betsy Bury (Saskatoon, SK), Micheline Dumont (Sherbrooke, QC), Dr. Ramona Lumpkin (Halifax, NS), Elizabeth Sheehy (Ottawa, ON), Linda Slanina (Kitimat, BC) and Melissa Sariffodeen (youth recipient – Toronto, ON). Their successes shaped Canada for the better; we have all benefited from their contributions.

While nominations are accepted year round, the deadline for nominating someone for the 2018 awards is July 4, 2018. Get inspired by visiting the Status of Women Canada website, which includes a list of past recipientsvideos and the nomination package.

“In Kootenay-Columbia we know that gender equality is not just the right thing to do, but it is the smart thing to do – for our economy, for our families and for our society. But it doesn’t happen on its own; it takes persistence, commitment and sustained effort from all of us to make gender equality a reality,” says Stetski. 

“Fortunately, people in our region are working every day to do just that. This year, let’s recognize their tremendous efforts by nominating a neighbour, colleague, or friend for a Persons Case Award.”

Quick Facts

  • The Governor General’s Awards in Commemoration of the Persons Case were created in 1979 to mark the 50th anniversary of the groundbreaking Persons Case, which changed the course of history for women in Canada.
  • Over 200 people from coast to coast to coast have received the award since 1979.

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