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Evacuation alerts rescinded for Salmo, Slocan Valley — RDCK EOC

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
May 28th, 2018

The reduction of water levels in rivers and creeks has allowed the Regional District of Central Kootenay Emergency Operations Centre to rescinded evacuation alerts for properties in Salmo, parts of RDCK Electoral Area G as well as parts of Slocan Valley a media release said Monday.

The evacuation alert for Salmo was originally issued on May 14, 2018, due to the danger of potential flooding. The alert was expanded along Erie Creek to Erie Lake and along Salmo River to Ymir on May 16, 2018.

Evacuation alerts for parts of Slocan Valley, which have been in place since May 17, have also been rescinded.

“I’d like to thank everyone who has been living with these alerts for their patience as we have been monitoring and assessing any continued flooding danger over the past week,” said Andrew Bellerby, the RDCK Emergency Operations Centre (EOC) Director in the media release.

“Thankfully, at this time, the water levels have receded, and the immediate danger of flooding has passed.”

The release said sandbagging has been the priority, and firefighters and volunteers from across the region having been working together to help communities be prepared.

“It was great to see residents and volunteers working alongside firefighters from across the region, filling and placing sandbags to help keep any floodwater at bay in vulnerable areas,” said Chief Bellerby. “Thank you to everyone who contributed to this effort, and for taking all other steps to be flood prepared.”

To view all current evacuation alerts and rescinds, and maps of the affected areas, please visit the Evacuation Information page on the RDCK website.

For information about emergency preparedness for floods (including sandbagging) and evacuations, please visit or the PreparedBC website:

Sign up for the RDCK Emergency Notification System to receive instant notification of evacuation orders. Go to and select “Emergency Alerts” from the home page, or go to the notification system sign-up page at

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