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Nelson Armed Forces Officer receives Commissioning Scroll

By Contributor
March 26th, 2018

Second Lieutenant Brittnee Wallin recently received her Commissioning Scroll as an officer in the Canadian Armed Forces. Second Lieutenant Wallin is a reserve officer of the Canadian Armed Forces and is assigned to work with 561 Squadron Royal Canadian AirCadet in Nelson.

Second Lieutenant Wallin’s commission is granted by the governor general on behalf of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. The governor general is commander-in-chief of Canada and as such, the governor general plays a major role in recognizing the importance of Canada’s military at home and abroad. Among these duties, the governor general signs Commissioning Scrolls.

“I am honoured to receive my commission and I look forward to continuing my work with the Canadian Armed Forces, the Nelson community and the cadet program,” said 2Lt Brittnee Wallin.

The scrolls are countersigned by the Minister of National Defence. Our new governor general Her Excellency the Right Honourable Julie Payette and the Minister of National
Defence, The Honourable Harjit Sajjan signed Second Lieutenant Wallin’s scroll.

Second Lieutenant Wallin was presented her scroll at 561 Squadron’s Mess Dinner by Major DeBiasio, the Commanding Officer of 561 Squadron and Area Elemental Advisor for the Cadet program for the interior of BC.

Also at the mess dinner, two cadets, Martin Martinowski and Natton McIntosh were promoted from the Rank of Air Cadet to Leading Air Cadet.

Over the next few months, the cadets of 561 Squadron will be busy. In April, the squadron will be going flying in powered aircraft and going on a trip to the Okanogan. In May, the cadets will be learning survival skills and going flying in glider aircraft. In the summer, several cadets wil lbe also be going to Summer Training at locations across the province and country.

The cadets who are in high school will also be receiving the high school credits they earn while being in the cadet program.

Nelson Air Cadets meet at 6:15 pm every Wednesday in the Nelson Eagles Hall at 641 Baker Street. The squadron currently has cadets from Nelson, Balfour, Kaslo, South Slocan and Nakusp.

The squadron always welcomes new cadets who are between the ages of 12 and 18. Adults who would like to volunteer with squadron are also welcome.

Quick Facts:

  • The Cadet Program is open to all Canadian youth from the ages of 12 to 18 regardless of income, race, religion, culture or other socio-economic factors. The program embraces Canada’s multiculturalism and offers young Canadians opportunities to interact with youth from other cultures.
  • Cadets is the largest youth organization operated by the Government of Canada andhas over 53,000 cadets and is led by 7000 adults.

Photo Caption: Second Lieutenant Brittnee Walli receives her Commissioning Scroll as an officer in the Canadian Armed Forces from Major Kevin DeBiasio. — Submitted photo

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