Kootenay Co-op Radio receives Community Radio Fund of Canada award

By Contributor
July 13th, 2017

Kootenay Co-op Radio, a community-based radio station in the Kootenay Region of British Columbia, is pleased to announce that it was awarded $48,953 for the implementation of “Amplifying the Voices of our

These funds were made available by the Community Radio Fund of Canada (CRFC) under their Radiometres program.

With the funds received, the station will build upon Kootenay Co-op Radio longstanding commitment to supporting the work of local social and cultural organizations. Through the creation of a radio documentary series sharing local organizations’ stories, KCR will amplify the voices of these organizations, and share the ways they contribute to a
healthy community.

Project Outreach Coordinator Stephanie Myers says that this project will be an opportunity to highlight the amazing diversity of community groups located in the West Kootenays, and the important role that community radio stations like CJLY-FM play in supporting them.

The CRFC is a national not-for-profit organisation whose mission is to build and improve the campus and community radio sector for all Canadians. Through the Radiometres program, which is currently the cornerstone of their funding, the CRFC just announced that they will invest close to 1.5 million dollars in our sector in order to enrich local programming as well as to promote volunteerism and community participation.

Within five years, the Radiometres program enabled the CRFC to invest 10.5 million dollars in the campus and community radio sector. It is an impressive number of 123 stations that have initiated more than 300 projects. “Funded initiatives, such as the project proposed by CJLY-FM, are necessary in order to make community radio a true local media, a radio that interacts with people in their neighbourhood,” says the President of the CRFC, Roger Ouellette.

For more information about Kootenay Co-op Radio and “Amplifying the Voices of our Community”, please visit
www.kootenaycoopradio.com .

For more information about the CRFC and all of its recipients, please visit www.crfc-fcrc.ca .

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