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Let’s talk Elephant Feet - crosswalk bicycle rules clarified

By Contributor
September 19th, 2016

The RCMP is clearing up a recent release regarding bicycle safety in cross walks.

“Firstly, thank you to all those who contacted us about our September 9 #FineFriday post,” the RCMP media release said.

“We apologise for any problems or confusion the post may have caused. We realise in some cases, our photo may not have properly represented exemptions to the Motor Vehicle of BC.”

The RCMP said the Transportation Association of Canada has recommendations for bikeway traffic control, which include the use of elephant feet, that are painted white squares, placed outside the painted white lines that mark the crosswalks, and are supposed to indicate places where cyclists would not be required to dismount.

But wait there’s more to this story.

The BC Motor Vehicle Act says this, about the rights and duties of the operator or a cycle:

  • 183(3)b must not, for the purpose of crossing a highway, ride on a crosswalk unless authorized to do so by a bylaw made under section 124 or unless otherwise directed by a sign.
  • Sec 124 does have provisions to allow for elephant feet.

So what does all this mean?

“Can I ride through the intersection where there are elephant feet or not? The answer…it depends,” the RCMP said.

“Although the Transportation Association of Canada has made recommendations for bikeway traffic control, for those lines to be valid and in force, the municipality must have a bylaw authorizing such lines, as per section 124 of the MVA.”

RCMP said while this is rather new for many communities, police recommends cyclists check the local community to ensure that a bylaw is in place, to allow riding a bicycle on a crosswalk with the elephant feet.

“Otherwise, you may be subject to a fine or culpable if an accident occurs.”

Please cycle safely out there!

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