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RDCK Board Meeting Highlights for July

By Contributor
July 22nd, 2016

Highlights of Thursday’s (July 21) Regional District of Central Kootenay Board Meeting:

Nelson Rec Centre to get new Coordinator

The RDCK will create a recreation coordinator position at the Nelson for a one-year term. The coordinator will develop opportunities for increased revenues, the development of a Nelson and District Recreation Facilities Task Force, and the study of best practices for Nelson and District recreation facilities.
Get Weighed at Nakusp Landfill

A scale will be installed at the Nakusp Landfill.  
Emergency Alert

The RDCK will send a mailer to every household in the RDCK encouraging residents to sign up for the free emergency alert notification system. For more information on this easy-to-use and potentially life saving measure, please visit
Area D to get Scanned

Electoral Area D is applying to the Community Energy Association to receive a green energy opportunities scan for Kaslo and Area D. The scan would identify opportunities for renewable energy projects, economic development and climate change mitigation.  
Edgewood said Yes

The Board adopted two new financial contribution services in Edgewood after two recent referenda passed.  
Edgewood and area property owners will be taxed to contribute so that annual grants can be made to the Royal Canadian Legion Hall and the Fire Department Society.
Arrow Tendered

The Design – Build tender for Arrow Creek Water System Upgrades was awarded to Maple Reinders in the amount of $1,725,300.00 plus applicable taxes.
Borrowing for Water—Sanca to get better System

The RDCK will borrow $120,000 over a five-year term from the Municipal Finance Authority to fund necessary upgrades to the Sanca Park Water system. The water intake is rapidly failing and filling water lines with sand and gravel. The project will replace the water intakes and connect the main line to a new highway crossing. This will ensure that users have a secure water supply. Residents on the system will see their parcel taxes increase from $50 per year to $750 per year over the five-year period to pay back the debt.

New Ymir Fire Chief

The Board appointed Steven Wood to the position of Fire Chief of the Ymir Volunteer Fire Department. Congratulations, Chief Wood. Chief Wood replaces Tom Graeper, who served as Chief for over 16 years. The RDCK is grateful to Mr. Graeper for his many years of service and dedication to his community.  
Infrastructure Planning Grant

The RDCK will submit an Infrastructure Planning Grant Program application for the Krestova Improvement District’s Water supply system upgrade (preliminary design and cost estimate study).  
Resurfacing to be Re-tendered

The Board rejected all tender submissions received for the Great Northern Trail resurfacing project. The tenders were nearly four times more than what staff anticipated. The tender will be reissued. The project will establish drainage for the protection of the trail surface, re-surface approximately 1,750 m of pathway and perform additional work as the budget allows. 

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