Special interest groups lining up to oppose Site C Dam
BC Hydro and the federal and provincial governments are opposing the participation of anti-poverty and seniors’ groups in Site C Dam Project legal cases.
Active Support Against Poverty, BC Old Age Pensioners’ Organization, Council of Senior Citizens’ Organizations of BC, Disability Alliance BC and Together Against Poverty Society have applied to intervene in support of the Peace Valley Landowner Association (PVLA) challenges in BC Supreme Court and Federal Court of the approval of BC Hydro’s Site C Project, in order to represent the interests of low and fixed income residential ratepayers.
The Site C Project is currently projected to cost almost $9 billion, costs which will eventually have to be paid by BC Hydro ratepayers or taxpayers.
The groups are asking for one hour of time in the PVLA’s BC Supreme Court case in order to explain how the flaws in the Site C approval process could result in significant rate increases to low-income ratepayers who are already having difficulty paying electricity bills.