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Kootenay Pride 2014 — Everybody loves a parade

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
September 2nd, 2014

There was much to do this Kootenay Pride weekend as followers of the event flocked to the Heritage City for the many events planned for the Labour Day weekend.

Of course, for most spectators Sunday’s parade through the downtown core of Nelson was the highlight of the weekend as many parade goers dressed up in lively costumes.

“Well, everyone “does” love a parade, but I think people realize it’s great to come and support organizations and ideals that matter to them,” Dan Ellis of the Kootenay Pride 2014 explained when asked of the popularity of the main-street event.

“Pride is about acceptance and unity, and I think people know no matter what, it’ll be a great time.”

The Kootenay Pride weekend began Friday before concluding Monday with a few of the hard core participants taking in the famous Mimosa Monday event at The Hume’s Library room.

Following the success of the 2014 event, organizers are already working on preparations for 2015.

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