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BC Housing and BCGEU divisions ratify agreement

By Contributor
September 29th, 2014

The BC Housing Management Commission and the BCGEU Administrative/Clerical division and the BCGEU Service/Maintenance division have ratified their agreements reached under the 2014 Economic Stability Mandate.

The five-year agreements cover approximately 360 employees who provide a variety of services in the administration of subsidized housing and the Homeowner Protection Branch, and almost 150 employees who provide building management and maintenance services for BC Housing.

The term of the new agreements is from April 1, 2014, to March 31, 2019.

The agreements provide for a modest 5.5% wage increase over the five years of the term with potential for additional increases if the B.C. economy exceeds the annual forecasts set by the Economic Forecast Council during the last four years of the agreement.

Approximately 200,000 public-sector employees are now covered by tentative or ratified agreements under the Economic Stability Mandate.

Overall, this represents about two-thirds of all unionized public-sector employees in B.C.

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