Happy 147th Birthday Canada

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
July 2nd, 2014

Wow, was that a GREAT DAY to have a 147th birthday.

Nelson Chamber of Commerce, with help from Mother Nature, did a bang up job celebrating Canada’s Birthday Tuesday at the Rotary Lakeside Park.

However, before one piece of cake was eaten, the Lion’s Club Breakfast kicked off the day on Baker Street.

Hungry patrons lined the street for the annual Lion’s Club Pancake Breakfast.

Tables were filled for most of the morning as people enjoyed a meal fit for Canadians.

The party moved to Rotary Lakeside Park where Nelson Chamber of Commerce president Justin Pelant kicked off the day during the opening ceremonies before the Heritage Harmony Barbershop Choir led everyone in O’ Canada.

The cutting and serving of the Canada Day cake was next before performer and performer entertained the audience throughout the day.

A spectacular Canada Day Fireworks capped off the day at dusk.

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