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IT'S WALK TIME AGAIN — join Grans from Nelson in national walk

By Contributor
June 1st, 2014

Saturday June 14th, Grans from Nelson and the West Kootenays will join, thousands of Canadian Grandmothers, Grandothers and Grandkids who will be walking, all across the Country to raise funds for our sister grandmothers in Africa as they carry the enormous burden of caring for their orphaned grandchildren.

The Grans from Nelson encourage the public to join in to help us “Turn the Tide” on HIV AIDS in Africa by walking with us,or sponsoring usonline.

One hundred per cent of proceeds go to the Grandmothers to Grandmothers campaign by the Stephen Lewis Foundation. 

For more information about the national walk, visit

Walk begins from Nelson’s Lakeside Park, Rotary Shelter at 11 a.m., registration starts at 10 a.m.

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