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Province grants boundary extension to Prince Rupert

By Contributor
May 20th, 2014

The Government of British Columbia has granted a boundary extension to the City of Prince Rupert.

The extension will incorporate a parcel of land owned by the city – District Lot 444 – into the municipal boundaries of the City of Prince Rupert. Located to the northeast of the existing municipal boundary, it is on the other side of Fern Passage and will be a valuable asset to the city for future growth and expansion opportunities.

““The City of Prince Rupert appreciates the provincial government’s support through the Ministry of Community, Sport and Cultural Development for the inclusion of District Lot 444 into the municipal boundaries,” said Mayor of Prince Rupert Jack Mussallem.

This inclusion protects the city’s source of drinking (potable), water and will lead to sustainable growth and other opportunities.”

The boundary extension process is governed by the provincial Local Government Act which required the City of Prince Rupert to meet certain statutory requirements in order to obtain provincial approval. The statutory requirements included:

  • Giving public notice of the proposed extension;
  • Obtaining the approval of the electors for the request through the alternative approval process; and
  • Endorsing a Council resolution requesting the proposed extension.

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