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New sculptures land on Nelson downtown core

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
April 27th, 2014

A new round of artwork landed on Baker Street in Nelson Friday as public works crews erected a host of sculptures.

The five sculptures, located in the amenity centres in the 400 and 500 blocks of Baker Street, are all part of keeping Nelson North America’s Best Little Arts Town.

The City of Nelson Cultural Development Committee sponsors the sculptures.

The sculptures are in response to input from the public shared through open house sessions prior to the creation of the City Sustainable Waterfront and Downtown Master Plans that said Nelsonites wanted to see more public art around town.

One of the sculptures is by Peter Vogelaar of Winlaw, titled “Venus de Cello” while another is “Man Waiting” by Sergio Raffo of Kaslo — both located in the 400 Block of Baker Street.

In 2013, the City purchased the sculpture entitled QR from Winlaw artist Carl Schlichting. It has since been placed in the city’s new Railtown District.

The Nelson Rotary Club has donated “There!” a piece created by New York State sculptor Susan Geissler, to be situated in Lakeside Park. Nelson doctor Ken Muth on behalf of the Rotary Club purchased the piece.

In October of 2012, a $210,000, 25-foot tall bronze sculpture entitled Heron’s Landing was gifted to the City by West Kelowna artist Jock Hildebrand and developer Michael Lobsinger. It now sits alongside the Lakeside Park Pathway.

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