Glacier clubs 'amazing' at provincials

By Contributor
March 23rd, 2014

Nelson’s Glacier Gymnastics Club, strutted their stuff at the 2014 BC Provincial Championships in Kamloops recently.

All the gymnasts’ performances fit in seamlessly with the lower mainland and other BC clubs.  Almost everyone came home with an award and many brought home medals, including 5 Gold, 8 Silver, 4 Bronze and 1 All Around Championship Gold.

“These results show how amazing our Nelson gymnasts area,” said Sandra Long, Glacier Gymnastics Head Coach of the Seven girls and three boys squad.

“Our club’s gymnasts train 4-8 hours less per week then the clubs we compete against, and our girls and boys look just as refined and are very competitive in the Province,”

Results from the 2014 BC Provincial Championships in Kamloops

Girls Provincial Level 2

12 years old: Gwen McCrory – 10th on bars

13 years old: Olivia Kelly – 4th on vault

14 years old: Sara Tolles – Silver medal on floor, Bronze medal on vault, 5th on beam and 4th All Around

15 years & up: Hailey Lothrop – Gold medal on floor, Silver medal on vault, Bronze medal on beam, 4th on bars and Silver medal All Around

Girls Provincial Level 3

14 years old: Victoria Lawrence-Jeffery – Silver medal on beam, Bronze medal on floor, 6th on All Around

15 years old:

Ella Keelan – All-Around Championship Gold Medal, Gold medal on floor, Silver medal on beam, bronze medal on bars, and 5th on vault

Kylee Dyck – Gold medal on beam, Silver medal on floor, Silver medal on vault, Silver medal All Around, and 7th on bars

Boys Provincial Level 3 (Under 13)

River Murphy – 7th on floor, 7th on vault, 7th on horizontal bar

Chris Lawrence-Jeffery – Gold medal on horizontal bar

Matthew Bullen – 15th on horizontal bar

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