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Wildfire Fuel Mitigation Project now complete

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
December 5th, 2013

The Wildfire Fuel Mitigation Project that has been happening for the past few weeks in now complete said Nelson Fire Rescue in a press release.

The Wildfire Fuel Mitigation Project took place in the forest above Mountain Lake Seniors Complex and the Selkirk College 10th Street campus.

The work completed is part of the overall Community Wildfire Protection Plan adopted by City Council in 2008.

The work in the Fairview area includes harvesting of dead and dangerous trees as well as special separation of the tree crowns along with removal of the ladder fuels and the woody debris on the forest floor.

In the event of a fire this type of treatment will reduce the chance of a fire spreading into the crown and allowing firefighters to deal with the fire on the ground.

Debri Resources Ltd. completed this area on time and on budget.

The last area to be treated is above L.V. Rogers High School, weather dependent, should be completed by spring of 2014.

Nelson Fire Rescue would like to thank the residence of Fairview for their patient as well all those that use the area for recreation.


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