'Kevin Pearce is a remarkable young man'

Letters to the editor
By Letters to the editor
December 13th, 2013

Editor, The Nelson Daily

Kevin Pearce is a remarkable young man.

A horrible crash at the height of his amazing snowboarding carreer has left him brain injured yet thoughtful, honest and more realistic than most of us who have never faced such highs and lows.

Last (Thursday) night at the Civic Theatre screening of The Crash Reel, he spoke with dignity and respect about his family, his competitors, his sponsors and the world of extreme sport.

While espousing safety and protection for athletes he did not deny the inherent appeal the sport had and still has for him. He acknowledged the support his sponsors proffered throughout his ordeal, even though the film reveals that there is no insurance provided for extreme athletes.

He spoke about having to be realistic about the threat of injury, the pain and loss that is inflicted on family and friends.

In short he spoke of the contradictions of the human condition, what we do, why we do it and pointed to the question of whether it makes sense.

He did not offer a definitive answer just presented in a way that compelled everyone in the audience to think.

What a great accomplishment!

Joyce Macdonald, Nelson, BC

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