What's Happening at LVR — by Connor Banks
L.V. Rogers Grade 12 student Connor Banks has entered the final phase of his high school career at L.V. Rogers.
With graduate firmly on the minds of all seniors at the Fairview-based school, Banks has found some time to draft up a few words about the local high school as guest columnist for The Nelson Daily.
From arts, to sports to news about the upcoming anything and everything at LVR Banks will have it covered for The Nelson Daily readers.
As Brad Delp, from the American rock band ‘Boston’, once said: “It’s been such a long time.”
Indeed it has been a long time. Our school has hit the busiest time of the year. We are in the final term and exams are just around the corner. Where to start now . . . I really don’t know. So much has happened at our school in the past month. So, lets start.
To begin, the students (of the North Exachange) departed and returned safely. The group of seventeen students (Grades 9-12) returned from the Gwich’in commuity of Fort McPherson, NT.
The student exchange was funded in part by the YMCA Youth Exchanges program. While in the Arctic circle the students will participated in dog-sledding, snowmobiling, supported and participated the local Peel River Jamboree celebration (including various relays and jigging competitions), made crafts, and learned about First Nations culture, geography, and life in the north.
I must admit I am slightly jealous-they went dog sledding.
However, some students ended up getting frostbite and learned the hard way what we take for granted. Additionally, some of the cuisine they experience was . . . different. Bannock and elk was a staple to their diet.
A big congratulations to grade 12 student Trace Cooke ! Trace became the first ever Canadian to capture the International Freeskiers and Snowboarders Association (IFSA) overall title after the season concluded in Revelstoke earlier this month.
Furthermore, Grade 12 student Chloe Kuch finished 14th overall (eighth at the event). Grade 9’s students Sam Kuch (third at the event) and Kaden Foy (ninth place at event) had terrific performances, as well.
Mrs. McTague’s student-teacher, Mr. Geisler (Mr. G), finished his four-month practicum this week and ended his last day hosting a ‘Physics Olympics’ in gym.
The event consisted of seven games testing students’ knowledge and their application of several of the fundamentals of physics. Using limited specific equipment students used fundamental physics concepts to design structures that would outlast their opponent’s.
‘Cantilever Fever’ had them using just clay and toothpicks to construct a cantilever in an attempt to reach the furthest horizontal distance without touching the ground measured from the base. The winner reached to nearly 24 inches! ‘Take It To The Limit’ challenged students to place a two inch piece of tape at the highest point possible on the wall, no materials permitted other than themselves.
‘Magic Orb’ navigated students around the circumference of the gym using concepts of conservation of momentum and energy. Students needed to move quickly in order to keep the orb in motion.
‘Use Your Cents Wisely’ objective was to float as many pennies as possible on a 15 cm square sheet of tin foil. A carefully constructed barge maximized the buoyancy force and supported 382 pennies. ‘Make It Wright, Take Flight’ was an opportunity to explore concepts of balanced forces and kinematic analysis when creating their favorite childhood toy, the paper airplane! Personally, our team killed it. There was no other competition. Mr. G you will be dearly missed by our physics class and we wish you all the best in your future journey in life.
Report cards went home at the start of April. To most it was expected, others it was a rude awakening, and there are those kids who still haven’t bothered to pick them up.
Grads have been terribly busy. It’s crunch time now (and I’m not liking it one bit). The majority of scholarships were due mid April and deadlines for other scholarships are approaching fast. As well, we’re fundraising like crazy to make our budget.
Once again The Rec Leadership 12 class pulled off another successful track meet. It was highly energetic and successful spring track meet. Lots of laughs, great humour, and an abundance of fun (for those watching and participating) was had by all those students and staff in attendance. A special thanks to Mrs. Morrison and her group of students. Unfortunately, our team lost…..dead last. But, we made up for it in team spirit !
This past weekend the baseball team played two double headers. We played Saturday in Cusick, Washingtion and Sunday in Cranbrook. We came out with a 2-2 record and lots of sunburn. Gun Woo Park and Austin Tambellini were the winnign pitchers for both games.
They pitched complete games and had a fantastic performance. Braeden and Jordan Zarikoff, Hano Southam, Casey Harrison, Austin and Reese Tambellini were unstoppable when hitting.
Matt Brind’Amour, Jacob Shukin, and yours truly played solid defensively. This upcoming weekend we’re heading to Lethbridge for our final tournament of the year.
That’s it from LVR.