My Views on the candidates and my choice

Letters to the editor
By Letters to the editor
May 8th, 2013

The Editor, The Nelson Daily

Many of my friends and I have been discussing politics lately with the Provincial Election happening next week. I, like the others, have been uncertain where my voice will be heard.

Who will represent me, and my conservative values of fiscal responsibility and free enterprise? Generally I vote Conservative but currently there is no Conservative Party Candidate in our riding of Nelson / Creston.

I began to take a deeper look into the candidates to find similar values and
this is what I found.

1) The Green Party and it’s candidate Sjeng Derkx are radical – with open minded and forward thinking ideals that are utopian in nature. They have a desire to restructure ALL the systems, including the tax, healthcare, and education systems.

This conflicts with my desire for stability for my family and my community. It’s not that I don’t like the environment – it’s that I’ve learned in my life that good things take time and hard work. We are already becoming a greener society through consumer choices.

2) Michelle Mungall, the incumbent MLA and NDP Candidate, has a history of being unavailable to help people requesting her assistance in our riding. She seldom showed up to important meetings held by local government and
business associations, preferring to advocate for environmental issues in other ridings. A

nd although her work with education reform is creditable – I want someone local to represent the pressing needs in our area like the dwindling economy. The NDP party proposes to spend hundreds of millions of dollars on social programs, while somehow cutting taxes. They plan on shutting down new oil and gas in Northern BC and raising the carbon tax.

I fear these financially irresponsible attitudes will leave our province with an even weaker economy, and burden future generations with debt.

3) Greg Garbula, Liberal Candidate, has values that are similar to mine. He believes in hard work, balanced budgets, and increased local economy. Having run a successful local business for many years through good times and bad – he knows what we are up against. He talks about bringing more community input into the riding. Discussing the problems, figuring out solutions, and moving forward. He understands that overspending on social programs is not going to solve our local work shortage.

The BC Liberals are the most conservative of three choices in Nelson / Creston.

Greg’s got my vote.

Doug Anderson
Crawford Bay B.C

Editors Note: The Nelson Daily is not endorsing any candidate in the upcoming provincial election, but believe it’s fair to publish an equal number of letters from readers wishing to state their opinions regarding the three parties running candidates in the Nelson/Creston riding.

Categories: Letters

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