Trafalgar students take to the streets, parks and tracks on Earth Day
There were students on the CP Rail tracks near the Chahko Mika Mall.
There were students at Lakeside Park.
There were students at Gyro Park.
There were students on the highway.
There were Trafalgar students . . . well they were everywhere as the Grade 8 class took to the streets of Nelson as part of Earth Day Celebrations with initiatives that will help the community and raise awareness.
Earth Day, celebrated annually on April 22 each year, is an opportunity for the people of the world to demonstrate support for environmental protection.
Earth Day was designated as International Mother Earth Day by a consensus resolution adopted by the United Nations in 2009 and is celebrated in more than 192 countries every year.
Trafalgar students did their part cleaning up parks, tracks and streets of litter to help raise awareness instead of attending morning classes at the Uphill-based school.
Some of the class also paints fish stencils near storm drains with the message “Be Aware . . . drains to lake.”
“Many people don’t know that drains on the road are there to collect rainwater only and do not get filtered or treated by our wastewater treatment systems, so it is very important not to put anything such as soaps, oils, or chemicals down these drains,” said Monica Nissen, Know Your Watershed educator.