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Kamloops forest district looks to hold the line on human caused fires

By Contributor
April 24th, 2013

Effective at noon on May 15 the size of open fires will be restricted in most of the Kamloops Fire Centre to help prevent human-caused wildfires and protect the public.

This prohibition will apply to all areas of the Kamloops Fire Centre except the Clearwater Fire Zone and the Salmon Arm Fire Zone. Anyone conducting Category 2 or 3 fires outside of those two zones must extinguish any such fires by noon on May 15.

This prohibition will remain in effect until Oct. 15, 2013, or until further notice. A map of the affected areas is available online at:

For information about open burning and tips on making responsible burning decisions, please download the open burning guides at:

The Clearwater Fire Zone and the Salmon Arm Fire Zone will become subject to this prohibition on June 15, 2013, when all open burning will be prohibited throughout the Kamloops Fire Centre.

Specific activities affected by this prohibition include:

  • The burning of any waste, slash or other materials (piled or unpiled) at a size larger than one-half metre by one-half metre.
  • The burning of more than two open fires of any size at the same time.
  • Stubble or grass fires of any size over any area.
  • The use of fireworks, sky lanterns or burning barrels of any size or description.

Categories: Uncategorized

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