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Celebrate National Poetry month at Nelson’s Oxygen Art Centre

By Contributor
April 5th, 2013

April brings not only spring crocuses, tulips and daffodils, but also National Poetry Month. 

And to mark the Canada-wide month-long celebration of humanity’s oldest literary art form, Nelson’s Oxygen Art Centre will host the launch of Queen City poet and artist Susan Andrews Grace’s newest collection Philosopher at the Skin Edge of Being on Friday, April 12 at 7:30 p.m.

The Oxygen Art Centre is located at 320 Vernon St. (alley entrance). 

The launch, part of Oxygen Art Centre’s Presentation Series, is free (donation appreciated) and open to the public.

“Sometimes poetry has the ability to be the reality when philosophy can only describe it,” said Canada’s current poet laureate Fred Wah. 

“Philosopher at the Skin Edge of Being marches through the seasons as Jai-li, a mountain woman, and a girl philosopher inhabit their cosmos, sluicing philosophy of antiquity through twenty-first century existence.

“This is thought-provoking poetry, beautifully composed and close enough to touch.”

Philosopher at the Skin Edge of Being is published by Winnipeg’s Signature Editions.  The poet has lived in Nelson since 2001. 

Her collection Ferry Woman’s History of the World was named Saskatchewan’s 1998 Book of the Year. 

Besides her literary endeavors, including teaching creative writing for Oxygen Art Centre, she maintains a visual art practice.

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