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WHAT'S HAPPENING AT LVR — with Connor Banks

By Contributor
February 1st, 2013

L.V. Rogers Grade 12 student Connor Banks is heading into the home stretch at L.V. Rogers High School.

The senior student is taking some time away from the books (see photo) to draft up a few words about the local high school as guest columnist for The Nelson Daily.

From arts, to sports to news about the upcoming anything and everything at LVR, including information on the upcoming 2013 Graduation Ceremonies in June, Banks will have it covered for The Nelson Daily readers.

A belated Happy New Year to all.

Hopefully, the Christmas spirit worked its magic so that the holidays were a special and grand time with family and friends.

As we all know, the world did not end on December 21, 2012 – what a relief.

This absolutely true “rumour” had believers and non-believers buzzing about the world ending for over a week at LVR Secondary.

To me, it seemed like illogical nonsense that somehow the world would end on a set date.

Regardless, we have all settled back into the school routine for the New Year and, hopefully, we are on track with our New Year’s resolutions.

Some exciting sports news to report: once again, the senior boy’s rugby team will be heading across the pond to the U.K.

Their stops include Ireland, Wales, and North Ireland. The boys will play games against extremely tough competition in Dublin, Belfast, Cardiff, and Llanelli. For those of you who may not know, rugby in the U.K. is taken very seriously. 

It is very competitive and extraordinary skills are required so our boys are practicing day and night to be on top of their game.

As well, the team has tickets to watch two international games: Ireland vs. France and England vs. Wales. Congrats to the senior boys for having this once in a life time experience!

Madame Heather Robertson, our French Immersion teacher and the School District French Coordinator, has left for her teaching opportunity in Bhutan.

She will be in Bhutan for an entire year teaching as part of the Bhutan Canadian Foundation. Safe travels to her!  We all know she will have an incredible journey and experience.

And, the entire LVR student body would like to send huge congratulations to a Grade 12 student – Abigail Cowan.

Abby recently won first place in the Kootenay Literarily Competition (KLC) for her short story entitled “The Gardener”.

On Friday, January 18, the Kootenay Literary Competition held their Awards Night at the Prestige Hotel.

Abby won first place, plus $200 and a publication in the KLC anthology. Furthermore, Abby won a bonus prize that includes attending a weekend Youth Creative Writing Workshop in Nelson. 

Way to go Abby.

Finally, the time has come for something students have been waiting for since September…and yes, indeed, it is a joyous occasion: the end of First Semester.

  But before the relief of a semester ending, students throughout the school are being overwhelmed with extra studying and homework.

The final day of First Semester was Friday (January) and the following week, is the dreaded exam week. It is sink or swim time. 

For a week straight, the students will be studying non-stop. Heads will be filled with knowledge that will be very useful for a three hour time period for each scheduled exam.

The real test is to see if this knowledge will be retained as we mature and put our knowledge into real use in the real world.

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