SD 8 hosts late French Immersion program information session January 30

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
January 14th, 2013

Parents interested in having their children be part of the School District 8 (Kootenay Lake) French Immersion Program are in luck as the district has opened up 60 spaces for students entering Grade 6 for the 2013-14 school year.

The Program is located at Trafalgar Middle School for Grades 6-8, and continues for grades 9-12 at L.V. Rogers Secondary School.

The Late French Immersion Program is an “educational program in which a child whose first language is not French — studies in French,” Willow Makortoff of SD 8 said in a written release.

Parents, guardians and students who may be interested in pursuing a French Immersion educational program are invited to an Information Session Wednesday, January 30 at the Kootenay Lake Board Office on Johnstone Road.

The meeting begins at 7 p.m. in the SD 8 Board Office at 570 Johnstone Road.

SD 8 recognizes that not all interested families will be able to attend this information session.

Up-to-date information will be available on our website ( after February 1, 2013.

Because the Late French Immersion Program is limited to 60 students, a process of application for the program is necessary.

Details regarding the application process for the Late French Immersion Program will be made available at the Information Session on January 30, 2013 – and posted on the District Website thereafter.

No applications for the program will be accepted prior to 9 a.m. February 15, 2013 to allow families to decide whether the program suits the needs of their child.

It will also allow all applicants to be familiar with the application process – either through attendance at the Information Session, or through reading the information on the website.

All inquiries must be directed by email to: Willow Makortoff, [email protected]


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