WHAT'S HAPPENING AT LVR — with Connor Banks

By Contributor
December 11th, 2012

L.V. Rogers Grade 12 student Connor Banks has agreed to give The Nelson Daily readers insight into what’s happening at the Fairview-based school witih a column throughout the school term.

From arts to sports to news about upcoming anything and everything at LVR, including information on the upcoming 2013 Graduation Ceremonies in June, Banks will have it covered for The Nelson Daily readers.


As November winds down and the snow starts to fall, the realization that December is here hits us all. This is the time at LVR when students receive their report cards, sit in class dreaming of Christmas break, and wait anxiously for the first day of fresh powder at Whitewater.

Attention spans are at an all time low as thoughts of the approaching ski season or Christmas vacation swirl in and out of student’s brains.

But, back to the reality of our high school, LVR has launched a student-led initiative project entitled “ActionLVR”.

This program encourages students to leave suggestions and recommendations to help our school become a better learning environment.

LVR is pleased to announce that our local French Immersion teacher and the School District French Coordinator, Madame Heather Robertson, is off to Bhutan in February 2013 to teach for one full year.  

Bhutan is a secluded country in the Himalayas. 

Ms Robertson will be teaching as a member of the Bhutan Canadian Foundation and the school wishes her good luck and safe travels.

Another bit of exciting news at LVR is that the school has been accepted to participate in the 2013 YMCA Youth Exchanges Program.

This program is an exchange program between Chief Julius School in Fort McPherson, North West Territory and LVR. 

Students from Fort McPherson will be in our lovely community in February enjoying our much milder winters and then, 16 LVR students from Grades 9-12 will be heading far north in April, 2013.


The Grad 2013 class has been ambitiously working on fundraising for this most important occasion scheduled for June 7th and 8th.

There is a constant buzz and talk of money in our grad groups and how much is needed for the event.

Regardless, Grads our now selling Save-On, Safeway, and Kootenay Co-op gift cards.

Find a graduating student (there are 217 of us), buy some gift cards, and help support our graduation event.

Your contributions will be greatly appreciated!

In addition, the Grad 2013 class will be hosting Nelson’s 2nd Annual Best Singer Contest.

If you want to show off your talents and win some cash – sign up right away. All ages are welcome, but sign up fast as there are only 30 spots for signers.

I personally will not be entering for the simple fact that my singing makes dogs bark and babies cry.

 Good luck to all the contestants – maybe someone will become famous!


Mrs. Naka’s Topics 12 class recently hosted the first ever ‘Mathematics Fair’.

The Topics 12 class was host to over 60 kids in our school district between grades 1- 6. 

The fair was an opportunity for children from Hume, South Nelson, Wildflower, and St. Joseph elementary schools to explore mathematics and fun topics that exist inside math.

They learned that math isn’t just boring numbers, but fun and games.  It was a pleasure to have them, but I must admit, it was exhausting work explaining, showing and keeping the young students focused.

I now have first hand experience with what teacher’s do day in and day out and I applaud them.

I also have a sense of empathy for teachers and a personal gratitude for their dedication.

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