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Civic Theatre Agreement, Policing Costs, First Responder Emergency Calls, Partnership with African Community, a Truck for Japan, and More: A Summary of the November 5, 2012 Nelson City Council Meeting

Bill Metcalfe
By Bill Metcalfe
November 6th, 2012

The following is a summary of the November 5 meeting of Nelson City Council.

City Commits to Collaboration with the Nelson Civic Theatre Society

Council voted to sign a letter of intent to lease the Civic Theatre to the Nelson Civic Theatre Society. The Society requires the letter to bolster its attempts to obtain grant money.

The letter of intent will give the group full access to the theatre space once it purchases liability insurance, and public access once the Society has brought the building to the standards of the Fire Chief and the Chief Building Inspector.

The lease agreement will specify targets for fundraising and building renovations. The city will provide (unspecified) rent relief because the leasehold improvements will benefit the city. City staff will begin negotiations with the Society for a 20-year lease, and city council will review the resulting agreement before it is signed.

To read a previous story in The Nelson Daily about the Society and its plans for the Civic Theatre, click here.

Police Board Presents Budget and Requests Increase

The Nelson Police Board, represented by board member Mike McIndoe and Police Chief Wayne Holland, presented its budget for 2013 requesting extra staffing.

MacIndoe said Nelson has fewer police officers per capita than the Canadian average. He gave statistics to show that police work here is getting busier and more expensive. The budget proposal asks for $60,000 to hire more administrative staff.

The proposed 2013 budget proposal amounts to $2,752,013, up from $2,628,013 in 2012.

Council received the presentation and will discuss it at a future meeting.

The Nelson Police Board is comprised of 6 Directors, all residents of the City of Nelson. The provincial government appoints four of the directors, and one serves as a municipal representative, appointed by City Council. The Mayor serves as Police Board Chair.

Council Asks Province to Reimburse City for Emergency First Responder Calls

Council voted to support a Union of BC Municipalities resolution to the provincial government asking the government to reimburse municipalities for the costs of fire departments responding to emergencies when the ambulance service is too far away or on another call.

Nelson Fire Department has responded to 490 of these First Responder calls so far in 2012, at an estimated cost to the city of $191,000.

Municipal Partnership Created with Kaoma, Zambia

Council approved a Municipal Partnership Agreement between the City of Nelson and the District of Kaoma in Zambia.

This partnership involves the Victoria International Development Education Association (VIDEA), a non-profit organization that has been involved in the promotion and delivery of global education since 1977; the Nelson and Area Kaoma Alliance, a chapter of VIDEA; and Women for Change, a Zambian organization working for the betterment of the lives in women and children in that country.

The alliance is the result of several years of organizing by Councillor Donna Macdonald.

Council will recognize Métis Week

Council granted permission to the Métis Nation of BC (Nelson and area), represented at the meeting by Councillor Bob Adams, to fly the Métis Flag in front of City Hall for Métis Week, November 12 – 18, 2012.

Support for Age Friendly Community Initiative

Council agreed to assist the Nelson CARES society in an application for funding to develop an age-friendly community service model. The Union of BC Municipalities provides grants of up to $20,000 for this purpose but only to municipal governments, hence Nelson Cares’ request to the city for support.

Age friendly communities recognize the realities of the aging population by designing services and infrastructure to help seniors remain healthy and active.

Financial Report

Chief Financial Officer Colin McClure presented his third quarter financial report—see the attachment below.

A Truck for Onagawa, Japan

Mayor Dooley announced that the $40,000 collected in the spring of 2011 for tsunami relief will be spent to purchase a truck for the town of Onagawa, Japan.

To read a previous article in The Nelson Daily about this matter, click here.

Energy Conservation Award

Mayor Dooley announced that the City of Nelson has received a 2012 Fortis BC PowerSense Award for the success of its Ecosave Energy Retrofit Program.

Gravel vs. Concrete

A request by a developer to install a crushed granite sidewalk on a steep street in a new development at 901 West Richards because it would be cheaper and less slippery than concrete in the winter provoked a lengthy discussion about the appropriateness of crushed granite sidewalks. Because the city has no construction standards for crushed granite sidewalks, Council referred the matter back to staff, asking them to develop standards. Council will then decide on this development variance permit application at a later date.

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