LVR students drop everything Monday to READ

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
October 22nd, 2012

Staff and students at L.V. Rogers High School in Nelson joined schools across B.C. in the sixth annual Drop Everything and Read event Monday.

More than 500 students and teachers participated including a ‘mob read’ in the main foyer of the school.

The school also welcomed Fay Wheeler’s Grade 1 class from Hume Elementary to the LVR library to spend some time reading with Kari Kroker’s English 11 class.

Each year the British Columbia Teacher-Librarians’ Association (BCTLA) urges all British Columbians to take time to participate in DEAR by reading for 20 minutes at 11 a.m. on the fourth Monday in October.

The idea promotes youth literacy and the role that school libraries play in developing lifelong readers and empowered members of society.

DEAR is celebrated in conjunction with National School Library Day

This year, the B.C. government has provided an additional $10.7 million to districts to support early reading.

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