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Green Party of BC asks for intervention on the China-Canada Investment Treaty

By Contributor
October 23rd, 2012

The Harper Conservative Government is about to sign the China-Canada Investment Treaty with China.

This trade agreement has profound risks to Canadian sovereignty, security and democracy. It binds the province to the clauses of the agreement as well.

The Harper Conservatives are not allowing debate of the treaty by our elected representatives in the House of Commons and appear not to have consulted with provinces.

“Today, I sent letters to Premier Christy Clark and Opposition Leader Adrian Dix,” said BC provincial leader of the Green Party, Jane Sterk.

“We have asked each of them to contact the Prime Minister to ask for full debate on this treaty and an opportunity for Canadians to be informed about the risks associated with signing a binding treaty with a highly secretive and undemocratic country like China.”

“BC Greens worry the treaty will trump provincial rights and negatively impact local governments and BC companies. We think the province has the power to influence Stephen Harper’s decision and that Adrian Dix can ask Opposition Leader Thomas Mulcair to bring the issue before parliament.”

“Greens think the concerns surrounding the treaty are so serious that it warrants recalling the Legislative Assembly for an emergency debate,” concludes Sterk.

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