Capitol Kids Series kicks off Sunday with Alex Zerbe

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
February 24th, 2012

The upcoming year in the Heritage City  is shaping up to be an exciting season for live performances for children young and old with the continuation of the Capitol Kids Series.

There are three chances for families to be mesmerized by a Professional Zaniac, explore the Wizard of Oz and be inspired by Monster Theatre.

There will also be a chance to win prizes from

Live performances give children the opportunity to explore the possibilities of their imagination and this year the Capitol Theatre is providing an exciting array of fun performances that all will enjoy.

First out of the starting gates this Sunday is Professional Zaniac, Alex Zerbe.

Zerbe will bring his eclectic antics and award winning acts to the stage.

No joke, on April 1 Kathryn Popham returns to take us down the yellow brick road with a ground breaking performance of the Wizard of Oz that features local children.

The series culminates April 22 with Monster Theatre presents a puppetry of pageantry that gets kids excited to dive into books and perhaps even try to adapt them into the Monster Theatre Style.

Along with this incredible lineup there is the opportunity for a lucky theatre goer to win one of three gift certificates for $50 to

For each show one lucky family will win a chance to continue the inspiration with active driving and creativity enlightening toys, gifts and games.

“I enjoy bringing fun and interactive shows and performances to the theatre,” said Neil Harrower Executive Director.

“The Capitol Kids Series is an excellent opportunity for a family to enjoy the benefits of a live performance.”

For more information about the Capitol Kids Series go online to or call 250.352.6363.

Also keep your eyes peeled at the next show for your chance to win one of three $50 gift cards from Bumblebee Toys, and be sure the check out their freshly redesigned website at

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