The wedding of MLA Mungall the Best Feast is Within 100 Miles said B.C. Bridal Guide

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
January 25th, 2012

The marriage of Nelson-Creston MLA Michelle Mungall to her partner Zak caught more than the eyes of invited guests.

The B.C. Bridal Guide liked what it saw so much the magazine requested the former Nelson City Councillor contribute her story to the 2012 Guide.

“I think the most successful planning incorporates the ability to go with the flow,” Mungall said about her 2011 wedding.

“We had some challenges with a late season affecting what was available when we needed it. But working with our talented caterer, Annie Bailey, we managed a beautiful meal with the freshest of local ingredients.”

Mungall had earlier commissioned a report on the region’s food systems from University of B.C. grad student Paris Marshall-Smith and knew that she would be referring back to it many times for guidance on how to best support and advocate for local farmers and food producers in the region.

So when it came time to plan her 2011 wedding she took to heart a recommendation from the report identifying “education as the critical issue in enhancing the local food system.”

Born from this was her 100 Mile wedding feast challenge.
“My husband Zak and I have been applying the principals of the 100 Mile Diet as much as possible in our lives,” Mungall explained.

“For our wedding, we wanted to both show our commitment to our values and show off our region by treating our wedding guests with a meal on hundred percent source in BC, and mostly from the Kootenays.”
Mungall’s wedding planning caught the attention of the British Columbia produced and she was asked to contribute her story to the 2012 Guide.

The article in the B.C. Bridal Guide is entitled ‘The Best Wedding Feast is Within 100 Miles’ and highlights both the challenges and successes of working with local seasonal offerings.
The article ends with a list of the Mungall’s Top Five Tips For Your 100 Mile Wedding Feast, tips that could be used no matter how many people you are trying to feed.
“The common theme here is to educate yourself about what is on offer in your region and then spread the word to others,” said Mungall, “You won’t be disappointed.”
To view the article online visit or drop by Mungall’s Nelson office at 204-402 Baker Street and pick up a magazine.

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