IntegrityBC releases first of four videos by Cariboo North MLA Bob Simpson

By IntegrityBC
December 7th, 2011

As part of its mandate to foster a dialogue between British Columbians and their MLAs, IntegrityBC today released the first of four videos by Cariboo North MLA Bob Simpson (Independent).

In the first video [attached], Bob Simpson discusses the impact of money on B.C. politics.

“Social media is an ideal way for British Columbians to engage in an open dialogue with elected officials,” said IntegrityBC executive director Dermod Travis. “But unfortunately, too many politicians still see these tools just as a way to post information and not as a chance to have a meaningful debate with voters over B.C.’s future.”

Over the next four days, IntegrityBC will post each of Simpson’s videos to its Facebook page so that British Columbians can share their thoughts about his ideas.

The non-partisan organization has invited all of the province’s MLAs and party leaders to discuss the important issues facing B.C. on its YouTube channel.

In August, NDP leader Adrian Dix responded to a series of questions posed to him by residents of Victoria which are posted to the organization’s YouTube channel.

Despite repeated requests, Premier Christy Clark has yet to respond – in writing or on video – to questions posed to her by Vancouver voters and posted to IntegrityBC’s YouTube channel last May.

In the New Year, IntegrityBC will post BC Green party leader Jane Sterk’s answers to questions posed on the organization’s Facebook page.

IntegrityBC is a non-partisan organization championing accountability and integrity in BC politics. By empowering British Columbians, IntegrityBC hopes to change politics in BC letting citizens regain their trust in government.

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