Nelson Municipal Election 2011: The talking is done; it all comes down to Saturday
For those about to vote, we salute you.
Nelsonites, West Kootenay-ites and British Columbians will migrate to the polls Saturday, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., at Central School located at 811 Stanley Street.
In Nelson, those eligible to vote (see below) will have to have their X’s ready to select one of three candidates for mayor — incumbent John Dooley, challengers Richard Rowberry and George Mercredi — and six of eight candidates for councilor.
Five incumbent councilors — Deb Kozak, Donna Macdonald, Bob Adams, Robin Cherbo and Marg Stacey — will be joined on the ballot sheet by Paula Kiss, Candace Batycki and Charles Jeanes.
For the race for the School District No. 8 seat in Nelson, three candidates on the ballot sheet include Curtis Bendig, Bill Maslechko and Bob Wright.
You’ve read many of their profiles, their aspirations, perhaps attended some of the all candidates debates in Nelson, now it is up to you to choose who will be the political face of Nelson.
Where to vote
On General Election Day, Nov. 19, registered voters may cast their ballots from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. at Central School located at 811 Stanley Street.
At the voting place your name and address will be checked against the list of electors. If you have not previously registered, you will be asked to do so.
Before receiving a ballot to vote, all persons must sign a declaration that they are eligible to vote and have not voted before in this election.
Do you qualify to vote?
You may vote as a resident elector if you:
- are a Canadian citizen
- are 18 years of age or more on general voting day (November 19, 2011)
- have lived in BC for at least 6 months before you register to vote
- have lived in the City of Nelson for 30 days or more before you register to vote
- are not disqualified from voting by any statute or law
You may vote as a non-resident property elector if you:
- are not a resident of Nelson
- are a Canadian citizen
- are 18 years of age or more on general voting day (Nov. 19)
- have lived in BC for at least 6 months before you register to vote
- are the registered owner of real property in Nelson for at least 30 days immediately before the day of registering
- are not disqualified from voting by any statute or law
How to register on voting day
If you are not on the voters’ list, but are qualified to vote as a resident elector on voting day, you may register at the designated voting place.
You must bring at least two documents that provide evidence of your identity and place of residence. At least one of the documents must contain your signature.
You must produce two documents to provide evidence of your identity, at least one of which must contain your signature.
You must also be prepared to sign a solemn declaration as to your place of residence. If you do not comply with these requirements, you will not be registered to vote.
The following documents only will be accepted for identification:
- a British Columbia driver’s license;
- an Owner’s Certificate of Insurance and Vehicle License issued by the Insurance Corporation of BC;
- a British Columbia CareCard or British Columbia Gold CareCard;
- a British Columbia Identification Card;
- a Ministry of Social Development and Economic Security Request for Continued Assistance form SDES8;
- a Social Insurance Card issued by Human Resources Development Canada;
- a Citizenship Card issued by Citizenship and Immigration Canada;
- a real property tax notice issued under section 269 of the Local Government Act or section 21 of the Taxation (Rural Area) Act;
- a credit card or debit card issued by a savings institution as defined in Section 29 of the Interpretation Act; or
- a utility bill issued for the supply of electricity, natural gas, water, telephone services or coaxial cable service by:
- a public utility as defined in section 1 of the Utilities Commission Act;
- a gas utility as defined in section 1 of the Gas Utility Act;
- a water utility as defined in section 1 of the Water Act;
- the British Columbia Hydro and Power Authority; or
- a corporation licensed by the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission for the purposes of that supply.
If you need help voting
If you need help to vote, you may ask the presiding election official (PEO) in charge at the voting place to assist you.
You may also bring someone with you to the voting place to help you vote. This person must make a solemn declaration to preserve the secrecy of your ballot, to mark the ballot according to your wishes and to not attempt to influence how you vote.
If you are unable to enter the voting place, you may ask to receive and mark your ballot at a place located outside the voting place.
It will be necessary for you to bring someone with you who can advise the election officials that you need help outside the voting place.
Freedom of information and privacy
The City of Nelson list of electors will be made available for public viewing and will be provided to each candidate and elector organization participating in the election.
The list contains the names of all registered voters, as well as other personal information such as the voter’s residential address.
To protect your privacy or security you may request that personal information be omitted or obscured from the list of electors. If requested to do so, the chief elections officer must comply.
- For further information regarding Nelson’s municipal elections, please contact Frances Long, Manager of Administrative and Legislative Services.