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Keeping the contamination down: public boat wash station in New Denver

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
November 9th, 2011

New Denver has the Slocan Lake’s first public boat washing station.

Conveniently located next to the boat launch in Centennial park, the free service allows and encourages boaters to use a high-pressure water hose to remove invasive plants and residue from the hulls of their craft before entering Slocan Lake.

“Doing projects like this is why the SSC was formed,” said the society’s founder and president, Richard Johnson.

“Slocan and Silverton are thinking of doing something similar. Nobody wants to see the lake contaminated by recreational watercraft.”

It has the support of provincial Environment staff, and was financially supported by the Columbia Basin Trust and the Slocan Solutions Society.

CBT Initiatives funding will cover the costs of the pressure pump, lockable housing, timer, crushed gravel trailer apron and signage. Johnson and his son Ben Hagen donated their labour to build the station.

In partnership with the village, an extension to the launch dock is also being constructed.

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