Missing person turns up in Nelson as not missing
All roads lead to Nelson and it was the road one White Rock woman took after she was reported missing Oct. 12.
Janet Falkner had been a resident of Nelson and area on and off for the past seven years and when she was reported missing Nelson Police were contacted.
When the news media began reporting Falkner as missing on Oct. 13, she attended the Nelson police station to report that she was not missing and was in good health.
White Rock RCMP were notified.
A deer situation
A wandering deer wandered into the wrong place Wednesday morning and ended up tranquilized, dazed and confused as it found itself on the outside looking in.
At approximately 8:30 a.m., Nelson Police attended the 200 block of High Street with a conservation officer from the BC Conversation Office.
A deer with approximately two metres of orange snow fencing wrapped in and hanging from its antlers had been spotted at various locations around Nelson over the past week.
With the help of the public, the conservation officer located the animal near High Street. The conservation officer was able get himself in position and shot the deer with a tranquilizer dart.
Once the drug took effect, the deer went down to the ground and the fencing was removed by the officers. Conservation remained on scene until the deer, which appeared to be in good health, recovered from the tranquilizer.
In addition to the entanglement hampering the deer in its normal activities such as feeding, the bright orange fencing would certainly not been much help to the deer, during this, the middle of hunting season.