Three of six councilors confirm intent to seek re-election; Mayor undecided

Timothy Schafer
By Timothy Schafer
September 26th, 2011

Although nominations for municipal government council and school board positions won’t open in Nelson until Oct. 4 in Nelson, the race has begun.

Three City councilors have declared their intentions to seek re-election in the Nov. 19 general election, but two-term mayor (and one term councilor) John Dooley has yet to confirm if he is running again.

Councilors Marg Stacey, Bob Adams and Robin Cherbo — all two-term councilors — have confirmed they will be running again. Along with Dooley, Coun. Donna Macdonald and Deb Kozak are undecided.

The councilors and those who wish to run against them, or for mayor, have until Oct. 14, 4 p.m. to declare their intention to do so. Nomination papers are available now at City Hall.  

Elections in Nelson

Advance voting

Advance voting will take place on Nov. 5, 9 and 16 from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. in the Lydia Room at the Hume Hotel located at 422 Vernon Street. 

Advance voting times and location will also be advertised.

For more information on local government elections, please visit the Ministry of Community, Sport & Cultural Development website.


Where to Vote

On General Election Day, Nov. 19, registered voters may cast their ballots from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. at Central School located at 811 Stanley Street. 

This voting location will also be advertised prior to the election.

At the voting place your name and address will be checked against the list of electors. If you have not previously registered, you will be asked to do so.

Before receiving a ballot to vote, all persons must sign a declaration that they are eligible to vote and have not voted before in this election.

Do You Qualify to Vote?

You may vote as a resident elector if you:

  • are a Canadian citizen
  • are 18 years of age or more on general voting day (November 19, 2011)
  • have lived in BC for at least 6 months before you register to vote
  • have lived in the City of Nelson for 30 days or more before you register to vote
  • are not disqualified from voting by any statute or law
  • You may vote as a non-resident property elector if you:
  • are not a resident of Nelson
  • are a Canadian citizen
  • are 18 years of age or more on general voting day (November 19, 2011)
  • have lived in BC for at least 6 months before you register to vote
  • are the registered owner of real property in Nelson for at least 30 days immediately before the day of registering
  • are not disqualified from voting by any statute or law

If you qualify, it is strongly recommended that you register in advance of general voting.

This can be done in the 2nd Floor Administration Office at Nelson City Hall located at 310 Ward Street during regular office hours (Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.).

The closing date for advance registration is Sept. 27. You may also register on election day at the Polling Station.

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