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Nelsonites will have to take more responsibility for clearing snow this winter

Timothy Schafer
By Timothy Schafer
September 28th, 2011

The slippery slope from Nelson’s upper reaches to the downtown core may be a thing of the past this winter.

People will now have to remove snow and ice from their walks each day following a snowfall this winter, after City council passed bylaw amendments recently, making the slick snowy substance an endangered species.

All owners of residential property will be required to remove snow and ice from the sidewalk or stairs that abut their property by 11 a.m. 

“This change could be a hardship on people who are not capable of shoveling snow,” said Coun. Bob Adams.

Although the City does have a sidewalk plowing route that will accommodate most people who walk in the winter — down major “corridors” to the downtown — many of the walks are not maintained by the City and will have to be shoveled by the residents.

In addition, what was once a suggestion for parking will now be a bylaw requirement in the city to aid City crews in snowplowing the streets.

Winter parking is in effect from Nov. 1 to April 30, with vehicles required to park on the odd numbered side of the street on odd numbered days of the month, and on the even numbered side of the street on even numbered days. 

This change is in residential zones of the city that should help snowplowing operations, said Coun. Adams. 

“This amendment will be hard to enforce as the start of even/odd numbered days start at midnight and most people have gone to bed at this time,” he said. “But the only way to effectively plow a street is when all the vehicles are parked on the same side of the street, regardless of the odd/even numbered days.”

Council also passed an amendment prohibiting parking in front of or within one metre on either side of public or private stairs that provide access to the public sidewalk or adjacent residents. 

As well, every owner of residential property is now responsible for the general maintenance of the boulevard abutting their property. This includes cutting the grass.

“In theory this may be a good idea, but due to the steep slopes of some boulevards in Nelson this will be close to impossible for some of the property owners,” said Coun. Adams.!/TheNelsonDaily

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