Driving infractions and passing out in a coffee shop — three days' police work

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
June 1st, 2011

Vandalism to parked cars has plagued the residents of Uphill over the last three days.

Police have received three complaints of vandalism to cars which were parked within a few blocks of each other.

It is believed the damage occurred during the late evening or the early morning hours.

Police are asking for anyone information on the person or persons acting suspiciously around vehicles parked in that vicinity.

Watch your back

A 54-year-old man received a violation ticket for unsafe backing on Monday after the 2005 Chev Cavalier he was driving was backed into a black 2008 Honda from Alberta.

According to witnesses, the man attempted to exit from an angle parking spot located on the north side of the 200 block of Baker Street against traffic.

In doing so he collided with the Honda that was stopped facing east bound at the intersection of Kootenay and Baker street.

A 25-year-old passenger in the Honda suffered minor injuries. Total damage to both vehicles was estimated at $2,000.

Stopping the mail

A two-vehicle accident between a minivan and a mail truck on Tuesday resulted in no injuries, but it did stop the mail.

The vehicles collided at the intersection of Mill and Hendryx streets. The minivan, driven by a 32-year-old Nelson woman, was traveling east on Mill Street and failed to see the mail truck traveling north on Hendryx.

As a result of the accident both vehicles sustained major damage and were towed from the scene.

Coffee doze

A 31-year-old Nelson man spent a few hours in police cells on Wednesday afternoon after he was found passed out at a table in a downtown coffee shop.

The man was roused from his slumber and arrested without incident.

Once safely in custody the highly intoxicated man quickly resumed his siesta undisturbed. He was later released that evening in a sober condition.

Categories: Crime

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