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Salmoans take initiative and create their own community fund

Nelson Daily Editor
By Nelson Daily Editor
May 12th, 2011

By Helen Lutz

As in most small communities, there is a strong network of volunteers and lots of community spirit in Salmo.

While recognizing that a community foundation would be a tremendous asset to Salmo, there just wasn’t the capacity to move forward with the administrative and legal steps required.

Recognizing this gap, and curious about potential solutions, Rafi Silver, the executive director of the Salmo Community Resources Society (SCRS), began a conversation with Norm Carruthers of the Osprey Foundation last summer.

Thanks to many additional conversations and the completion of the needed steps, the Salmo “Community Fund” (CF) was launched.

“Community funds are great alternatives for small communities like Salmo. This community fund is a great way to build on the strengths of Salmo,” said Silver. “It’s another step for community development and citizen participation.”

To launch the Salmo CF, the Kootenay Savings Credit Union will provide $65,000 and Columbia Basin Trust will be approached to provide $50,000 in matching funds.

The Salmo CF will require the formation of a committee of Salmo residents that will report to the SCRS board of directors. The fund committee will oversee fund promotions, donations, adjudicating proposals and reporting to the SCRS board with their recommendations for disbursements.

The SCRS board of directors will then submit recommendations to the Osprey Foundation who will disburse the funds.

The Osprey Foundation remains ultimately responsible for financial matters and submitting reports to Revenue Canada, but will work together with the SCRS board.

The first granting cycle will happen in the Fall of 2011 and there may up $3,500 to support community endeavours in the areas of arts and culture, family life, economic development, education, environment, health, recreation, seniors well-being and community services.

The Salmo CF will service Salmo and Ymir, as well as Area G of the Regional District of Central Kootenay.

“With this fund, local residents can invest in their own community,” said Silver. “This is an opportunity to increase citizen’s connection to this community and promote even greater community spirit.”

Helen Lutz is with the Kootenay Boundary Community Services Co-operative member services.

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