Gargbage brings the grizzlies out on the long weekend

Timothy Schafer
By Timothy Schafer
May 25th, 2011

The bears were the most active critters on the May long weekend in Nelson.

Two young grizzly bears were spotted rooting through residential garbage located in the 1300 block of Granite Road on Tuesday morning.

Nelson Police Department officers noted that both bears appeared to be tagged, indicating they had been trapped before, said NPD Sgt. Howie Grant.

The conservation officer was notified of the sighting. Later that same morning, the bears were seen again at Granite Pointe Golf Course.

“All residents should be responsible with their household garbage and help prevent these bears and others from being destroyed,” said Sgt. Grant.

Any person found to be reckless with their trash could receive a $345 fine under the BC Wildlife Act.

No licence, no vehicle

On Monday morning police observed a vehicle being driven with expired plates.

When the 2001 GMC pickup was stopped it was discovered that the male driver, a resident of Nelson, did not have a valid driver’s licence.

The vehicle was subsequently towed and the driver received more than $700 in fines.

Recreational theft

Despite being locked in the canopy of a pickup truck while it was parked at Lakeside Rotary Park Tuesday afternoon, a thief stole a kite sail, kite board and related equipment.

The value of the stolen items was estimated at $2,000.

The investigation is ongoing and police are seeking the assistance of people for any information regarding this incident.

During the May long weekend, the NPD received 46 calls for service, most of them minor in nature. The holiday saw many Nelsonites taking in the festivities at Kaslo May Days, or just sitting back and relaxing after a long winter.

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