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First Targa Canada West (test) rally touches down in West Kootenay region

Timothy Schafer
By Timothy Schafer
May 13th, 2011

Ladies and gentlemen, start your engines.

Billed as a novel, fun test of concept tarmac, Targa Canada West will be holding their inaugural event, Targa Tabula Rasa (TTR), in Nakusp this Saturday on the scenic roads of the Arrow Lakes region.

However, the performance part of the road race was cancelled because the organizers could not secure a public road closure licence.

But the precision and touring car rally is open to all makes, models and vintages of street-legal sports cars. Cars compete against the clock, starting off at one-minute intervals, on sections of twisty paved public roads.

Although the event is open to all and will be officially timed, there will be no prizes awarded — save for fame and glory — at the end of the day.

The race ends at the Nakusp Hot Springs around 5:30 p.m.

From Targa Canada West

While closed road tarmac rallies are held all over the world, most of these events have had years to get established.

The challenge of being the first group to bring this type of event new to the Province of BC has been more complicated than anyone could have predicted.

The volunteers and government representatives, who worked tirelessly trying to generate a public road closure license, deserve a huge thanks for what they have done and will do as they continue to work with us.

Targa Canada West sincerely apologizes, as a team, for any inconvenience caused to local authorities, volunteers and other organizations because of the event format change. We are also sorry for disappointing potential entrants who worked to bring their cars into compliance.

Our ongoing discussions with the government strongly suggest that a road closure licence for Targa is achievable. We will be working towards the goal of a single closed road rally later this year.

The date will be based upon consultation with volunteers, competitors, clubs and communities.

The particulars

Registration, technical inspection and information session take place Friday from 5-8 p.m. at Kuskanax Lodge Lounge. The cost to enter is $99 for the precision and touring categories.

Racers have to be members of an affiliated rally club. Membership in the organizing rally club (WCRA) is available with registration ($40 per person).

People can view the cars that will race in the Nakusp Arena parking lot from 8-11 a.m. The first rally cars leave the grounds at 10:30 a.m.

The Targa banquet will be at the Nakusp Arena auditorium at 7:30 p.m., followed by a rally social.!/TheNelsonDaily


What the race was all about

  • The race is the first step towards a multi-day adventure tourism style competition, in the spirit of the original Targa Florio.
  • The race is a one-road rally, with “special stage” total of 40 kilometres (25 miles), with very little transit distance. In other words, more time spent in competition.
  • These special stages are temporarily closed to the public, safely controlled and monitored for the race.
  • Cars transit between special stages, and must obey the rules of the road, respecting that Targa Canada West and competitors are guests of the Nakusp community.
  • Elevation change on special stage is approximately 1,000 feet, or 300 meters.
  • All cars must run with a driver and co-driver.
  • Course notes are provided at onsite-registration.
  • Targa precision is a competition of accuracy, based on target times and average speeds. It is a spirited TSD (time, speed, distance) style rally on open and closed roads.
  • Precision includes the special stage (closed road) and additional open road competition. As per BC TSD Rally Regulations, unmodified vehicles require a triangle, fire extinguisher and first aid kit to compete.

Competitor Entry List live:


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