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Federal Minister of Industry calls for meeting on high gas prices

Timothy Schafer
By Timothy Schafer
May 12th, 2011

The federal Minister of Industry said the Conservative government has been working on the issue of rising gas prices since 2006, and has now asked refiners, distributors and retailers to explain why they are so high.

Tony Clement said the ministry is hearing the questions and concerns Canadians have about fluctuating fuel prices.

“That is why I will be asking refiners, distributors and retailers to come to Ottawa to appear before a parliamentary committee and explain their pricing methods to Canadians,” he said.

“Members of Parliament will get the chance to ask them the common-sense questions we’ve been hearing from Canadians.”

Clement said the federal government has enacted broad-based tax cuts to help Canadian families keep more of their hard-earned money, including, among others, lowering the GST from seven to five per cent, implementing income splitting for pensioners and removing 124,000 single-parent families from federal tax rolls.

“In fact, thanks to our low-tax plan for families, I am proud to say that the average Canadian family is saving over $3,000 each and every year,” he said.

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