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Earth Day 2011 and a challenge

Nelson Daily Editor
By Nelson Daily Editor
April 19th, 2011

Dig deep into the dirt on Friday and celebrate Earth Day.

Earth Day has grown into Earth Week and, now Earth Month as several events and projects are planned for the West Kootenay region and Nelson as the day turns into a six-week celebration.

This year, through the West Kootenay EcoSociety, the Kootenay Earth Day team is challenging residents of Nelson and the Columbia Basin to take action on behalf of the earth during the Earth Day Challenge.

The Earth Day Challenge started on April 1 and continues through to National Environment week (June 6-11).

What is the Earth Day Challenge?

The Earth Day Challenge invites people to come together and engage in activities, ideas, exercises or movements that reduce carbon footprints, applies a sustainable, low carbon lifestyle, and makes a difference in the environment.

Once there is an idea of the project, make a pledge. Document activities with pictures or videos and send them to

On June 11 at noon, the winners for completing the best challenge will be announced.

Here are some examples:

• Replacing light bulbs into energy efficient light bulbs, clean the filter of your air conditioner, and dryer.

• Composting and buy locally grown, raised, and produced goods.

• Grow as many vegetables and plants

• Turn off your TV for six weeks

• Don’t buy plastic bottles for 1 month

Find more ideas at the options page.

Earth Day events include:


JUSDANcE is a community dance event geared to provide a safe environment for the pleasure of pure movement exploration and personal expression.

This is a speechless, alcohol free, non-spectator event. Non-club like, always moving and completely free form. Music will be selected and arranged by Thomas Loh – bring your own water.

This event will be a benefit for the West Kootenay EcoSociety. $5+ Please donate generously.

9-11pm sharp, Moving Centre, 533 Baker St. Information at 352 2624.

White Water Black Gold

It’s the Nelson screening of White Water Black Gold on Tuesday, April 26, at 7 pm at the Nelson United Church.

Tickets are $10 at the door, $8 in advance at Otter Books.

Recently added Earth Day projects

• Litterless lunches submitted by South Nelson Elementary School

• Earth Day JusDance submitted by Thomas Loh

• Earth Day Radio Show submitted by David Reid

• Reclaiming textiles submitted by Alison

What is Earth Day

First launched as an environmental awareness event in the United States in 1970, Earth Day (April 22) is celebrated as the birth of the environmental movement.

Earth Day is a powerful catalyst for change. The first Earth Day, spearheaded by Wisconsin Governor Gaylord Nelson and Harvard University student Denis Hayes, involved 20 million participants in teach-ins that addressed decades of environmental pollution.

The event inspired the US Congress to pass clean air and water acts, and establish the Environmental Protection Agency to research and monitor environmental issues and enforce environmental laws.

In 1990, two million Canadians joined 200 million people in 141 nations in celebrating the first International Earth Day.

In many countries, the global event brought pressure on heads of state to take part in the UN Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro to address issues such as climate change and the world wide loss of species.

In Canada, Earth Day ranges from large public events, such as Victoria’s Earth Walk (5,000 participants), Edmonton’s Earth Day Festival at Hawrelak Park (30,000 participants), and Oakville, Ontario’s Waterways Clean-up (2,000 participants) to the thousands of small, private events staged by schools, employee groups and community groups.

Source: Earth

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