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City council to set proposed new transit fare structure

Nelson Daily Editor
By Nelson Daily Editor
April 17th, 2011

By Timothy Schafer, The Nelson Daily

It’s a light agenda for City council for Monday night, with a few items for councilors to grapple with.

The fee has been set for backyard burning — at $10 — and council will likely finish third reading on the Fees and Charges Amendment Bylaw to set that rate.

The burning permit was revised from $25 to $10 to ensure cost recovery of the administrative function of issuing the permit, and to make sure the value of the fee is not onerous to the public.


Proposed new transit fees

The last transit rate increased in 2008. In 2010 the City’s transit revenues decreased by 10 per cent.

In order to cover a $128,000 budget shortfall in transit a fare increase has been recommended to cover the cost.

For the City to generate the revenue projected to pay for the service and not increase taxes, City staff have recommended a 25 cent fare increase for each rate class, and a proportional rate increase for monthly and multi-ride passes.

The increased revenue from the rate change will bring in an extra $24,000 per year — with $15,000 prorated for 2011. The move also “simplifies” zone structure with the outlying rural areas and equalizes the rates.


Election to national board of directors

Mayor John Dooley is requesting City council’s endorsement on the Federation of Canadian Municipalities national board.

He will be letting his name stand at the FCM in May.

Mayor Dooley has served on the board since 2006.


Columbia Basin Trust grant funding

The decision of City council will come down Monday night immediately following the committee of the whole meeting.

Council heard presentations from 60 community groups last week in a special meeting, and they are expected to vote on how they believe over $126,000 should be split up.

During this meeting council will pass a resolution to recommend CBT grant funding recipients to the Regional District of Central Kootenay and the CBT for 2011.
A total of 60 community organizations are asking for a total of $285,000 worth of requests but the City only has $126,445 of CBT Community Initiatives Program funding — a funding amount down from the $132,882 the city would have received under the old funding formula.


See also:

CBT cash dwindles for Nelson community groups

City preps for fight over CBT funds

Some city groups ineligible for CBT cash

CDC back in the seat to determine some funds



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