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RDCK regional parks regulation bylaw

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
March 10th, 2011

The regional district’s Regional Parks Regulation Bylaw is proposed for third reading and adoption at the Thursday, March 10 board of directors meeting in Nelson.

The purpose of the bylaw is to provide a consistent set of rules and regulations for all designated regional parks, as well as provide a mechanism for enforcing the regulations.

It includes regulation for most park activities, and introduces a park use permit system to ensure that the Regional District of Central Kootenay is not liable for use by organized commercial and non-commercial activities.

Specifically, it includes regulations for such activities as domestic animal control, camping, alcohol, damage, fires, litter, watercraft, among others.

The regulation bylaw summarizes the activities at each park in an activity matrix. The bylaw also gives authority to RDCK “authorized personnel” to enforce the regulations.

Initially, the RDCK will concentrate on known issues that pose a hazard to public safety and park infrastructure, such as dogs off leash at Taghum Beach, camping in parking lots, fires, damage, and other issues.

The next phase in the process is to work with the local communities to develop a management plan for all regional parks that will identify which of the regulations are appropriate for a specific park.

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