Mail scams plague city — police issue warnings

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
March 28th, 2011

Several mail fraud scams have plagued the city in the recent week.

Nelson Police officers have been investigating reports of a scam whereby the sender attempts to coerce the receiver into depositing a fraudulent cheque into the receiver’s account, and then send a money order back to the sender for the cheque amount — minus a small fee for service.

“In these recent cases the recipients were wary enough not to be fooled by the scam and contacted police instead,” said NPD Sgt. Steve Bank.

In this mail scam, the sender has attempted to fool the receiver into believing that they were a “mystery shopper” and not to disclose any information to bank officials when completing the transaction.

To make the rouse appear legitimate, said Sgt. Bank, the sender also enclosed a “mystery shopper customer survey” which they wanted the recipient to fax back to the sender.

Nelson Police are warning people to be very cautious of any offer either by mail, internet or otherwise, he said, where the sender is requesting the recipient to make any financial transactions.

If anyone has concerns or suspicions of any such offers, they are encouraged to contact their financial institution or the police.


Traffic stop

A Nelson Police officer conducted a traffic stop on Highway 3A on the North Shore Tuesday night around 1:23 a.m., revealing an unlicensed driver.

As a result, the vehicle was impounded for seven days and the driver was served an order prohibiting him from driving in BC.


Distraught and intoxicated

On Thursday evening Nelson Police attended a residence in Fairview regarding a distraught and intoxicated female.

During the investigation it was apparent the woman was suffering from a mental disorder and she was taken to Kootenay Lake Hospital and was held for overnight treatment.

No criminal charges will result from the incident.


Intoxicated and unlicensed on a motorcycle

A staff member of a downtown licensed establishment contacted police Friday night when she observed an apparently intoxicated man getting on a motorcycle and was preparing to ride away.

While giving the vehicle description to the police dispatcher, a Nelson Police beat officer observed the motorcyclist traveling along Baker Street and was able to direct a mobile police unit to it.

The motorcycle was stopped in the 700 block of Stanley Street and the driver ticketed for impaired driving.

It was also determined the driver did not have a motorcycle driver’s license nor insurance on his bike. The driver was charged with several infractions and his vehicle impounded for 90 days.

Categories: Crime

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