Comments invited on BCTS operating plan for Kootenay area

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
March 7th, 2011

The public is invited to review and comment on BC Timber Sales’ operating plan for logging and road building in the Arrow timber supply area and Tree Farm Licence 23 until April 26.

The operating plan provides detailed information on proposed logging and road construction activities, and meets requirements as outlined in the approved 2006-2011 forest stewardship plan for the Arrow Boundary forest district.

The plan includes information on proposed logging in the following geographic areas: East Barnes Creek, Caribou Creek, Burton Creek, Hail Creek, Wragge Creek, Dog/Porcupine Creek, Big Sheep Creek, Cai Creek, Grassy Mountain, Iron Creek, Woodchuck Creek, Sheep Creek, Lead Creek and Stagleap Creek.

Maps showing the general location of the proposed development (1:20 000 scale) can be viewed online at:

Click on FSP Documentation and Maps followed by Operating Plan #6 Arrow. These files are best viewed by right-clicking and choosing save as.

Interested members of the public can also make appointments to view the plan until April 26 during regular business hours (Monday-Friday, between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m.) at the BC Timber Sales’ Castlegar office.

Call Rick Mazzocchi, 250 365-8654, or Dan Upward, 250 365-8620 to make an appointment.

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