Greens weigh in on Nelson Landing

Nelson Daily Editor
By Nelson Daily Editor
February 8th, 2011

To the Editor,

Open letter to Nelson City council regarding the Nelson Landing re-zoning and development proposal.

Dear mayor and councilors,

Nelson-Creston Greens, on behalf of our members and all citizens of Nelson and area, respectfully ask that council make sure that no toxic materials from the site will be released into the Kootenay River, that the health and safety of future inhabitants will be 100 per cent assured and that Nelson taxpayers will be protected from the potentially very high cost of toxic clean up.

We ask that council insists that Red Sands beach and the last small stand of waterfront forest in the city will be protected and that existing ecological values will be maintained or enhanced.

The proposed rezoning, which includes public land, would allow the developer to build more than double the number of houses currently allowed. We believe that, in return, Nelson should also receive important benefits, possibly in the form of much needed affordable housing units in the development.

Last but not least we hope that council will allow Nelson and area citizens to participate in the entire Nelson Landing decision making process — not just at the very end when everything is written in stone and it has become an angry and divisive “yes or no” issue.

Nelson citizens are passionate about their waterfront, and have shown many times that, in a positive atmosphere, they will freely contribute their remarkable talents, knowledge and ideas; they just need to be invited to do so. We hope you will.

Sjeng Derkx, Nelson-Creston Greens

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