The challenges between second and third wave feminism

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
February 8th, 2011

The challenges between second and third wave feminism

@ the Women’s Centre, 420 Mill St, Nelson

Tuesday, Feb. 22, 6–8 p.m.


Second and third wave feminism, what is it? When was the first wave?

What are the challenges between second and third wave feminism: Agreements?; disagreements? What does this have to do with me?

The West Kootenay Women’s Association is hosting a discussion to look at these questions as part of their series, Feminism Across the Ages, for younger, middle and older women in our community.

Women of all ages are invited to come, listen, and throw in their 70 cents on the Canadian-earned dollar (Census, 2005). Is author Susan Faludi’s notion that “new” feminist activism and scholarship spurns the work and ideas of the generation that came before” accurate here in the Kootenays? Does respect go both ways?

Third wave feminist and WKWA’s coordinator, Tasha Bassingthwaite, and long-time second wave activist and founder for, Marcia Braundy, present their ideas and facilitate a broader discussion about the meaning of feminism and who is included.

Why might it be useful to look at the challenges to participation across the generations of local women? 

Refreshments provided. Finger food to share is welcome.

To arrange for free on-site childcare, call 352 9916.

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