BC Hydro enhances program for small-scale power projects

Nelson Daily Staff
By Nelson Daily Staff
February 2nd, 2011

By Simi Heer

BC Hydro’s Standing Offer Program has received a facelift.

Changes to the program will help to increase the mix of B.C.’s supply of clean, renewable energy.

First introduced in 2008, the program encourages the development of small, clean energy projects and offers small energy producers a simple process to sell power to BC Hydro at a set price.

Two key changes include increasing the size of eligible projects up to 15 megawatts (from 10) and opening the door for additional technologies.

Thanks to the improvements, BC Hydro is anticipating more variety in the applications to the program – potentially more wind, waste heat and biomass projects. Existing agreements for the program include five hydro projects and one biogas project.

Over the next two years, BC Hydro expects to attract a cumulative total of approximately 1,000 gigawatt hours per year of clean energy – enough to meet the annual needs of approximately 90,000 homes in B.C.

Visit the Standing Offer Program page for more information.


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